baseline grid

Progress indicators


Before a user undertakes a task, it’s important to show them how many steps we will ask them to go through and display where they are in this journey. Similalry, if they are waitig for an update from us, before they can perform a certain action, then we need to indicate that something is happening in the background.

We have three solutions to displaying progress: A step-by-step progress bar with labels, a condensed progress bar and a progress button.

Progress bar with labels

Keep the labels consistent, but concise so the user can undetsand where they are and what is coming next. This type of progress indicator has three states:

  • Completed
  • Current
  • Next

Background: #00D659
Label: Rubik Regular 14px #3C3E49


Border: 2px #3C3E49
Label: Rubik Medium 14px #3C3E49


Border: 2px #DFE0E6
Label: Rubik Regular 14px #3C3E49

Condensed progress bar

Use this type in modals or where there is less space and no reason to use labels. This type of progress indicator has three states:

  • Completed
  • Current
  • Next

24 px dot #6200EA


28px dot #6200EA
Text: Rubik Medium 16px #FFFFFF


12px dot #D0D2DA

Progress button

The progress button is based on the default solid button. It has three states:

  • Disabled
  • In progress
  • Enabled

Background: #6D9D9D9  Text: Rubik Medium 16px #FFFFFF


Background: #6D9D9D9  Text: Rubik Medium 16px #FFFFFF
Progress bar Background: #00D659  Text: Rubik Medium 14px #3C3E49


Background: #00D659  Text: Rubik Medium 16px #3C3E49